Aliaa Magda Elmahdy New Photos - Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, the nude blogger, can face a lawsuit by an Egyptian cluster of Islamic law graduates.

The 20-year-old activist and student at the yank University in Cairo created the headlines on for a series of naked photos that she revealed on Twitter underneath her real name during a protest against Islamic extremism. Her move sparked a heated dialogue on twitter. Some praised her move, whereas others left outraged comments. 

"Put the models who worked at the college of Fine Arts till the first Seventies on trial," she told her critics. "Hide art books and smash nude archaeological statues, then take your garments off and appearance at yourselves within the mirror. Burn your self-despised bodies so as to urge rid of your sexual complexes forever, before directing your sexist insults at me or denying me the liberty of expression," Aliaa said. 
Aliaa defines herself as "Secular, Liberal, Feminist, Vegetarian, Individualist Egyptian". In a tweet, she said "I took my nude photo myself in my parent's home months before I met @Kareemamer [her boyfriend] and i am atheist since i used to be 16".

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